Raise your hand if you made at least a New Year’s resolution that was one of your goals the previous year as well. Don’t be shy. You’re not along. Only 9 percent of people who make New Year’s resolutions meet their goal by the end of the year. In fact, many people give up in the very first week, but you can make this year different. Use these tips to help you beat the odds this year.
Planning Your Resolution
Simply stating your goals for the new year isn’t enough to make it happen. When it comes to resolutions, the saying, “A failure to plan is a plan to fail” applies doubly. Plan for success with these steps.
- Set your resolution for the right reason. Start with a resolution that is deeply meaningful to you.
- Consider your budget. Make sure the resolutions you make won’t be impeded by your finances.
- Make micro goals. Break your resolution down into the smallest goals possible. For example, if you’re planning to finally finish your novel, give yourself a daily goal of putting just 500 -1,000 words on the page.
- Schedule your activities. Set aside time each day or week to accomplish your goal.
Your Resolution Mindset
When you have a long-term goal to accomplish, mindset matters. A lot.
- Be kind to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up if you miss your goals every now and then. Forgive yourself and make corrections.
- Create a trusting support system. It’s hard to accomplish your goals alone, so create a community of supportive, like-minded people and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
- Meditate. Meditation can help you keep a clear understanding of your goals and why you set them.
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Keeping Your Resolution Momentum
Getting started on your resolution is easy at the beginning of the year when you’re excited about your goals. Keeping the momentum going is a harder feat to accomplish, but taking these measure can help.
- Document your progress. Make sure to set goals that are measurable so you can document your progress. This will give you a visual representation of how far you’ve come and how far you have to go.
- Find an accountability partner. Find a friend or family member who can help you keep your goals top-of-mind.
- Reward your wins. When you hit your micro goals, give yourself little rewards to keep you motivated. When you reach your big goals at the end of the year give yourself a larger reward. For instance, a new Honda Civic from Garden State Honda would be a great reward (wink, wink).
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